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AT PENN Deadlines

2023-2024 Deadlines for Submitting AT PENN Information

Almanac's monthly AT PENN Calendar is the only all-inclusive calendar of Penn events. 

Information need not be rewritten. We'll be glad to take your information from a flyer, poster, brochure or Word document, as soon as you have the information.

A notice in each monthly calendar tells readers that unless otherwise indicated, all events are open to the general public. If your event is not open to this wider audience, indicate "campus only" or "PennCard required."

Please provide the following information when submitting an event:

  • Date of event
  • Type of event (Exhibit, Talk, etc.)
  • Topic (name of show, seminar title)
  • Names of speakers, performers; their titles or affiliations
  • Time
  • Audience (campus only, members only, etc.)
  • Admission charge, if any
  • Sponsor(s)
  • Contact Info. (phone number, email address, URL)

We accept information by email at

Submitting Media (i.e. images, video and audio clips): We encourage event planners to provide photos or illustrations as well as video or audio clips by email at 

Please give caption information in writing and the name of any photographer or artist who should be credited. Images can be sent as an attachment to an email message or can be extracted from slides or PDFs. 

Deadlines for 2023-2024:

 Month Covered   Date of Issue Deadline for Receipt of Copy
SEPTEMBER AT PENN August 29 August 14
OCTOBER AT PENN September 26 September 11
NOVEMBER AT PENN October 31 October 16
DECEMBER AT PENN   November 21 November 6
JANUARY AT PENN December 12 November 27
FEBRUARY AT PENN January 30 January 15
MARCH AT PENN February 27 February 12
APRIL AT PENN March 26 March 11
MAY AT PENN April 30 April 15
SUMMER AT PENN May 28 May 13

Weekly Update Deadlines: Monday for the following week's issue on Tuesday. Visit the Publication Schedule & Deadlines page for issue deadlines.

Reminder: The weekly update normally lists events happening Wednesday through Tuesday. Since there is no issue of Almanac during Spring Break, for example, the preceding week's Update will encompass a two-week period. Events are published depending on the availability of space.

There is no charge for listings in either the monthly AT PENN calendar or weekly Update. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

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