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Human Resources: Upcoming April Programs

Special Annual Events

Models of Excellence Award Ceremony; April 4; 4-5 p.m.; Irvine Auditorium; free. The entire Penn Community is invited to join the 19th annual Models of Excellence Award celebration. This year, the Models of Excellence Program will recognize 97 outstanding staff members who have made remarkable contributions to the University’s standing as a global leader in education, research and public service. President Amy Gutmann, Provost Wendell Pritchett, Executive Vice President Craig R. Carnaroli and Vice President of Human Resources Jack Heuer will present staff members from schools and centers across the University with awards for their exemplary service at a festive ceremony in Irvine Auditorium. Please RSVP at

Benefits Open Enrollment Presentations; April 3, 4 and 10; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; April 11; noon -2 p.m.; free. At these sessions, University faculty and staff can learn details and ask questions about their healthcare options. Presentations will run for 45 minutes and there will be a Q&A that follows. The sessions will also include detailed information about family-friendly benefits such as the advanced reproductive benefit.

Wellness Fair; April 24; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Houston Hall, Hall of Flags; free.

Open Enrollment and Wellness Fair; April 26; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; New Bolton Center; free.

At these fairs, representatives from Penn’s healthcare providers and administrators will share information. Faculty and staff can learn about medical plans, prescription drug coverage, dental plans, vision coverage, flexible spending accounts and the Penn Benefits Center. There will also be free health screenings and other wellness activities.

Professional and Personal Development Programs

Open to faculty and staff. Register at

Creating and Maintaining Your LinkedIn Profile; April 3; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; free.  Penn Recruitment & Staffing professionals will review tips on creating a great LinkedIn profile that will get you noticed by recruiters and industry professionals.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence; April 5; 9 a.m.-noon; $75. Learn what emotional intelligence is and how it factors in at work and discover concrete techniques for raising your own emotional quotient (EQ). This includes perceiving yourself accurately, exercising emotional self-control, practicing resilience and developing empathy. Then turn those lessons around to build your awareness of others and learn to inspire helpful communication and manage conflict As a prerequisite to this course we highly recommend completing the course, Leading with Emotional Intelligence. This will serve as a primer for what will be covered in the session.

How to Make Yourself Indispensable; April 10; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; free. Learn how to: take ownership of your responsibilities and results, take initiative to go above and beyond what is expected of you, expand your sphere of influence, perform well under pressure, adapt to changing situations, be someone others want to work with, help others improve their performance and avoid being “irreplaceable”—locked into your role and unwilling to share your knowledge.

The Gift of Feedback; April 12; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; free. Feedback can be an amazing gift when given well. In this session you will learn how to give and receive feedback so that it is viewed as a gift.

TED Talk Tuesday: Seth Godin, The Tribes We Lead; April 17; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; free. In this TED Talk video screening, Seth Godin argues that the internet has ended mass marketing and revived a human social unit from the distant past: tribes. Founded on shared ideas and values, tribes give ordinary people the power to lead and make big change. He urges us to do so.

Worklife Workshops

Open to faculty and staff. Register at

Gentle Yoga; April 3; also April 17; noon-1 p.m.; free. Let your body reward itself with movement! Join this Gentle Yoga session and explore the natural movements of the spine with slow and fluid moving bends and soft twists. During this session, you will flow into modified sun salutations that loosen those tightened muscles and joints of the lower back, neck, shoulders and wrists. And as an added bonus, you’ll get a workout in the process. Mats and props will be provided.

Let’s Talk About Breastfeeding; April 3; noon-1 p.m.; free. This interactive conversation is led by Diane Spatz, director of the Lactation Program at CHOP, professor of perinatal nursing and the Helen M. Shearer Professor of Nutrition. This is a great opportunity for expecting, new and experienced parents to get help with breastfeeding challenges, ensure a smooth transition back to work and academics while sharing helpful tips with one another. If you are currently breastfeeding, pumping and/or bottle-feeding, pregnant, formula-feeding or just curious about breastfeeding, come join us. This is co-sponsored by Family Resource Center, HR and the Penn Women’s Center and is open to Penn staff, faculty, student, post docs and their partners. Lunch will be provided.

Guided Meditation: Take a Breath and Relax; April 6; also April 17; noon-1 p.m.; free. Practice mindful breathing that focuses your attention on the present moment with kindness, compassion and awareness. Self-massage and gentle mindful movements that promote relaxation and reduce stress may also be included in the workshop. No experience necessary.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia—Caregiving Challenges and Strategies; April 10; 12:30-1:30 p.m. and 5-6 p.m.; free. There are more than 5 million Americans currently living with Alzheimer’s disease and more than 15 million family caregivers who help them in the U.S. Within the next 10 years, that number is projected to increase by 40 percent. This seminar will review the different forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s, and signs your loved one may have the disease. Despite the devastating nature of Alzheimer’s disease, there is support out there that can make a difference and help you continue to connect with relative. Learn about caregiving strategies and types of care that can improve the quality of life for both you and your parent.

Spin Class; April 11; 11:30-12:15 p.m.; free. Pedal your way to a fantastic workout indoors! With the use of stationary cycles, each class is led on a “virtual” outdoor road, complete with a variety of exercises. This class will give you an energizing, calorie-burning, fun workout and it is great for all fitness levels because you will always ride at a self-directed pace.

Managing Work and Family Stress; April 19; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; free. Gain the skills to identify, manage and use job stress to improve performance and prevent burnout. You should leave the workshop feeling confident in your ability to accurately identify sources of workplace stressors, measure the effects of stress on your performance, reframe stress and manage stress for positive results.

Webinar: Quality Time for the Time-Pressed Family; April 25; noon-1 p.m.; free. Family meetings provide opportunities for parents and children to come together to share experiences and to plan family activities. The family meeting promotes harmony, cooperation and leadership by providing time to establish rules, make decisions and recognize positive aspects of family life. Come to this seminar to discuss the many advantages and all the dynamics that come into play when making time for regular family meetings.

2018 Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day; April 26; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; free. Penn understands the importance of providing children with positive, productive experiences in their formative years. That’s why we host the annual Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, an event that encourages and inspires youngsters, and introduces them to the workplace. Penn provides an exciting array of activities on campus for children ages 9-15. Please note, all participants must have supervisory approval and must accompany their young guests to all activities. Limited and unlimited registration activities will be published at and registration will open at 9 a.m. on Monday, April 9.

Penn Healthy You Workshops

Open to faculty and staff. Register at

Get to Know What Is Healthy in Houston Market Tour; April 10; 12:30-1p.m.; free. Join Dan Connolly, Bon Appétit’s registered dietitian and nutritionist, on an interesting tour of the many delicious, healthy options in Houston Market. You will meet Dan at Houston Hall’s Information Desk, where he will give a brief history of Bon Appétit and explain the elements of a healthy meal. Then, you’ll follow Dan downstairs to Houston Market, where he’ll walk you through the various food stations and explain how you too can eat healthy at Houston Market!

April Wellness Walk; April 13; noon-1 p.m.; free. Join us for our first OUTDOOR wellness walk of 2018. This is a perfect opportunity to participate in the Million Steps Challenge sponsored by StayWell and part of the Be in the Know campaign. Track your steps on StayWell’s portal through device integration or manual upload. Points are earned when you complete 1,000,000 steps. Meet the Center for Public Health Initiatives Staff inside the Palestra and walk a one-mile or two-mile route while chatting about nutrition and how you can develop a mindful eating pattern that includes nutritious and flavorful foods. We hope you will be able to join us. Bring your water bottle and don’t forget your sneakers!

Division of Human Resources

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