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ITMAT: Proposals on Translational Space: December 15
October 20, 2009, Volume 56, No. 08

The Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT) invites proposals from ITMAT Members and ITMAT Associate Members in the Research Associate or Instructor A category. It is not too late to become a Member or an Associate Member if you would like to apply for the grant and meet membership criterion.  If you are interested, please visit the membership section of our website (www.itmat.upenn.edu/membership.shtml) for details.

The proposals must center on the translational space—from proof of concept in cells or model systems through to completion of dose selection in Phase II in humans. Programs that plan to progress within that space and which deploy technologies and approaches conventionally segregated from each other within the traditional boundaries of academic medicine will be especially favored. Proposals that focus on translational therapeutics or the pediatric to the adult divide will receive priority scoring. The proposals are due by December 15, 2009 for a proposal start date of February 1, 2010.

Please visit our website at www.itmat.upenn.edu/funding.shtml for detailed instructions.

—Garret A. FitzGerald, Director, ITMAT

Almanac - October 20, 2009, Volume 56, No. 08