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Almanac, Vol. 48, No. 21, February 5, 2002


February 5, 2002
Volume 48 Number 21

The first Neal Nathanson Lecture will be given next week by Dr. Stanley Prusiner, Nobel Laureate and Penn alumnus.
After four years at the helm of the College House Program, Dr. David Brownlee steps down as director and turns over the wheel to a fellow faculty master.
When is Spring Recess? Well, now it is Spring Break--at least on the Academic Calendar--to be consistent with Fall Break.
Mix more than a dozen committees, a multi-year timeline, five institutional goals, six academic priorities, and several organizational priorities and the result is a new Strategic Plan which will soon be published For Comment.
The Council Committee on Communications reports on its findings from a one-year review of the Policy on Privacy in the Electronic Environment.
Improving pedestrian safety is a multi-step challenge.
Environmental Health and Radiation Safety offers information, thermometer exchange, and training for employees who handle hazardous substances.
Researchers make discoveries concerning King Midas, kidney disease, Alzheimer's disease, immune system and major depressive disorder.
The University Research Foundation's latest awards go to 48 projects--from The Art of Urbanism in Feudal Aquitaine to Evaluating a Hospital Quality Improvement Model for Developing Countries.
Discounted tickets are available to attend Annenberg Center events and a Basketball Game at the Palestra.
Penn Public Safety Institute provides the community with a glimpse of police work from behind-the-scenes; the next program begins tomorrow. Apply now.