SENATE From the Senate Office

The following statement is published in accordance with the Senate Rules. Among other purposes, the publication of SEC actions is intended to stimulate discussion among the constituencies and their representatives. Please communicate your comments to Senate Chair Peter Conn or Executive Assistant Carolyn Burdon, Box 12 College Hall/6303, 898-6943 or

Actions Taken by the Senate Executive Committee

Wednesday, May 5, 1999

1. Chair's Report. The Chair drew attention to his annual report that had been sent to SEC members last week [see insert].

2. Past Chair's Report on Academic Planning and Budget Committee and on Capital Council. The Past Chair reported that the committee meets weekly. The Faculty Senate representatives on the committee are active and raise important questions. Academic Planning and Budget discussed the budget, capital initiatives, financial status and need and expansion initiatives. The final meeting of the year will be on May 11.

Capital Council met once since the last SEC meeting to consider new construction initiatives as well as renovations to existing structures.

Old Business

3. Recommendations and Report of the Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty. Committee Chair Erling Boe summarized the lengthy report and recommendations fur further development of faculty salary policy and procedures. Following discussion SEC unanimously approved both the report and the recommendations [see insert].

4. Recommendations of the Committee on the Faculty.

a. Proposed Handbook Revision on Extension of Probationary Periods. Committee Chair Harvey Rubin introduced the proposal. A faculty member had inquired whether the current language in the Handbook for Faculty and Academic Administrators applied to both members of a couple. The committee found the Handbook unclear on this point and at the suggestion of the Associate Provost drafted a proposed revision for the Handbook (Almanac April 27, 1999). SEC unanimously approved the proposed Handbook revision.

b. Faculty Involvement in Fundraising for Undergraduate Scholarships. SEC referred a proposal to the committee to conisder the pros and cons and make a recommendation to SEC. The issue was discussed and the Committee on the Faculty agreed to recommend that SEC take no action on the matter. SEC accepted the recommendation.

c. Proposed Handbook Revision on Copyright Policy. Subcommittee Chair Ralph Ginsberg noted that the Committee discussed the issue over the last year and a half. A principal concern was that current University policy is at significant variance with University practice and custom. The proposed Handbook revision (Almanac April 27, 1999) encompasses recommendations of the July 1995 Report of the Task Force on Intellectual Property. SEC unanimously approved the proposal for inclusion in the Handbook, and the recommendation that an ad hoc committee be established to review University policies on software.

d. 1998-99 Annual Report of the Committee on the Faculty. Professor Rubin summarized the committee report (Almanac April 27, 1999). A SEC member expressed concern regarding the Senate committee's decision not to go forward with its work regarding Clinician Educators pending receipt of a report of the self-study from the Medical School Committee Faculty 2000. It was pointed out that there had been an exchange of information and concerns through the meetings of a wide range of Medical faculty with the Committee on the Faculty. Faculty 2000 has heard the Senate's concerns and shares many of them.

5. Appointment of Two Faculty to the Closed Circuit TV Monitoring Committee. Two names were proposed and they will be contacted.

6. 1998-99 Report of the Committee on Students and Educational Policy. Committee Chair David Williams presented the report (Almanac May 4, 1999). SEC unanimously adopted the report.

7. Transition of Officers and SEC Members.

Outgoing Chair John Keene expressed his thanks and appreciation to Vivian Seltzer and Peter Conn and turned the symbolic gavel over to Peter Conn.

Peter Conn assumed the office of Chair of the Faculty Senate, and expressed appreciation to outgoing Past Chair Vivian Seltzer and outgoing Chair John Keene. He also thanked Carolyn Burdon for her efforts on behalf of the Faculty Senate.

New Business

8. Appointment of Chair of the Senate Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty. Erling Boe (education) was reappointed to chair the Committee by acclamation.

9. Selection of four SEC members to serve 1999-2000 on the University Council Steering Committee. Nominations were made and the vote was cast by paper ballot using approval voting. The four faculty elected were: Peter Freyd (mathematics), Phoebe S. Leboy (biochemistry/dental), Ann O'Sullivan (nursing), and Gregory Possehl (anthropology).

10. Determine whether SEC meeting scheduled for June 2 should be held. SEC voted unanimously not to hold the June meeting.

11. Thanks to outgoing Past Chair. SEC gave a round of applause to Vivian Seltzer for her three years of service to the Faculty Senate.

Almanac, Vol. 45, No. 32, May 11, 1999


| SENATE: Report on Economic Status of Faculty |