Harrisburg: The Full Amount for FY1996

On July 6, Governor Ridge signed into law House Bill 1815 (Act Number 41A of 1995), legislation providing $35,470,000 in funding to Penn for Fiscal Year 1995-96. HB 1815 had been given final approval on June 28 by a vote of 49-0 in the Pennsylvania Senate and a vote of 190-12 in the House.
The bill includes a total of $20,707,000 for the Veterinary School (four line items), $9,489,000 for General Instruction to Pennsylvania residents, $4,280,000 for Medical Instruction and $994,000 for Dental Clinics. Noteworthy is the shift of $6 million in funding from General Instruction to the Veterinary School. This transfer was done by the General Assembly with the concurrence of the University in order to bring the Commonwealth funding for the Vet School up to adequate levels (approximately 40 percent of the School's operating budget).

The final funding allocation for the University is consistent with President Rodin's discussion of the primary role of Commonwealth appropriations in her testimony earlier this spring before the House Appropriations Committee. In that testimony Dr. Rodin stated that the Commonwealth appropriation is used primarily for two purposes: (1) support for the health professional schools--most importantly the Veterinary School, the Commonwealth's only such school; and (2) support to help maintain need-blind admissions for Commonwealth residents.

The General Assembly also approved additional funding bills for other Penn programs through separate bills or through the general appropriations bill--$181,000 for the University Museum, $132,000 for Cardiovascular Studies at HUP and $500,000 for the Hospital's Cancer Center. Finally, the Legislature appropriated $2,570,000 for higher education equipment, of which Penn is likely to receive at least $200,000.

-- Paul S. Cribbins, Director, City and Commonwealth Relations

University of Pennsylvania Commonwealth Appropriation History of Non-Preferred Appropriation

(in thousands of dollars)

FY1991 FY1992 FY1993 F1994 FY1995 FY1996

Instruction $16,051 $16,051 $ 8,026 $11,838 $15,489 $ 9,489

Medical Instruction 4,535 4,535 2,218 3,326 4,280 4,280

Dental Clinics 1,030 1,030 515 773 994 994

Veterinary Instruction* 7,725 7,725 7,456 7,456 7,456 10,420

New Bolton Center* 3,786 3,786 1,894 2,840 4,154 7,118

Food and Animal Clinics and Services* 1,030 2,030 1,020 1,529 1,968 1,968

Center for Animal Health and Productivity* 1,245 1,245 623 934 1,201 1,201

T. Veterinary Medicine $14,786 $14,786 $10,993 $12,759 $14,779 $20,707

T. University $36,302 $36,302 $21,752 $28,696 $35,542 $35,470

* Veterinary School Line Item


Tuesday, July 18, 1995
Volume 42 Number 1

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