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Two New Sustainable Parking Initiatives

April 17, 2012, Volume 58, No. 30

Occasional Parking
Penn Parking Services designed this new program to allow commuters who normally use public transportation, vanpooling, carpooling or biking as their primary commute mode to be able to drive to campus when necessary.  Occasional parking is available at Penn Park and provides two free uses per year with up to 10 additional uses priced at 50 percent of the daily maximum rate, currently $8 (which means passes will cost $4). Passes will be available for purchase, by payroll deduction only.  Participants must have a valid driver’s license, proof of participation in Penn’s transit, vanpool or carpool programs and not be a current Penn Parking permit-holder.  Bikers would be required to register their bikes with the Division of Public Safety property registration in order to qualify.  For additional details, visit the Penn Parking website at www.upenn.edu/parking

Carpool Parking
Current Penn parking permit patrons can take advantage of discounts based on occupancy and location choices by teaming up to form a carpool. Registration is on an annual basis and each carpool member will receive a pre-tax deduction via payroll. Carpool discounts: 25% for a two person carpool; 50% for a three person car pool; 75% for a four person carpool. For additional details, visit www.upenn.edu/parking

—Division of Business Services

Almanac - April 17, 2012, Volume 58, No. 30