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From Executive Vice President and Provost

February 14, 2012, Volume 58, No. 22

University Policies Resource

We are writing to inform the Penn community of a new important resource to easily locate Penn policies. An online page has been created as a single location from which to access University policies on a wide variety of topics: student and academic life, research and sponsored programs, international and administrative operations. This resource also leads with critical links to Penn’s Principles of Responsible Conduct, Non-Retaliation Policy, and other universally applicable and priority policies. The new webpage can be found at http://www.upenn.edu/services/policies.php 

As described in our November 21 Message to the Campus Community with President Gutmann, “everyone at Penn has an explicit obligation to adhere to the Principles of Responsible Conduct.”  To support compliance with University policies, Penn also provides a hotline and website where anyone can anonymously report suspected violations of Penn policies or inquire about Penn policies. See www.upenn.edu/215pcomply or call 215-PComply (215-726-6759). 

Penn has many resources to support ethical and responsible behavior, including this new online resource devoted to University policies. All members of the Penn community are expected to understand their obligations and rights to raising any question or concern. With these established resources and with the active participation of our community, Penn’s pride in its honesty, integrity, and commitment to doing the right thing can continue and grow. 

—Craig Carnaroli, Executive Vice President       —Vincent Price, Provost


Almanac - February 14, 2012, Volume 58, No. 22