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US Postal Service: Intelligent Mail Barcode for use on Business or Courtesy Reply Envelopes

January 11, 2011, Volume 57, No. 17

University departments using Business or Courtesy Reply Envelopes for their mailings should be aware of a new policy by the United States Postal Services (USPS). Beginning in May 2011, anyone using a business or courtesy reply envelope in their mailing is now required to print the USPS intelligent barcode on these envelopes. After May, any business or courtesy reply envelopes that do not utilize the intelligent barcode will incur increased costs for the permit holder—up to 50 cents per mail piece on business reply envelopes returned, as well as possible denial of automation discounts for outgoing mailings.

If you are using Penn Publication Services for your printing needs, the new intelligent bar code designated for the use of Penn’s Permit will be supplied for you. If you are using an outside printer for creating your mailing you can request the artwork from Penn Mail Services by e-mailing mailsvcs@exchange.upenn.edu. To insure that you receive the artwork, please include your name, your school/center/department and contact information, as well as the size of your envelope. You should expect the artwork to be sent to you within five business days.

For more information about the Intelligent Mail Barcode and how it will affect your next mailing, contact Denise McShea at dmcshea@upenn.edu. You can also visit the USPS website at www.usps.com/mailpro/2010/sepoct/page6.htm

—Division of Business Services


Almanac - January 11, 2011, Volume 57, No. 17