The following is an explanation of the benefit codes which may appear on the pay stubs of faculty and staff. The categories are grouped as shelters, pre-tax reductions, and after-tax deductions (listed after taxes). Within each category, the individual items are listed below in the approximate order that they would appear on the stub.

Please note that any University contributions toward your Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan (i.e. University Basic and Matching contributions) are not shown on your pay stub. Rather, they will appear in the quarterly statements you receive from TIAA-CREF and/or Vanguard. If you have any questions, you may call the Retirement Call Center at 1-877-PENN-RET (1-877-736-6738).

--Division of Human Resources

Benefit Code Descriptions

A. Pre-Tax Deductions/Shelters--Medical, Dental, Vision and Pre-Tax Expense Accounts

(1) HLTH SHL Your contribution to your Health or Medical Plan. "SHL" indicates that this amount is sheltered from Social Security, federal and state income tax.

(2) DEN SHL Your contribution to your Dental coverage. This has the same shelter as the Medical plan contributions.

(3) VISION CA Your contribution to your Vision Care coverage. This has the same shelter as the Medical and Dental plan contributions.

(4) DEP SHL Your contribution to the Dependent Care Pre-Tax Expense Account. Although sheltered from Social Security and federal taxes, this is subject to state income taxes.

(5) MED REIMB Your contribution to the Health Care Pre-Tax Expense Account. This has the same shelter as the Dependent Care Pre-Tax Expense Account.

(6) SHEL TOTAL Total of your Medical, Dental, Vision, Dependent Care and Health Care Pre-Tax Expense Account contributions.

B. Pre-Tax Reductions--Retirement

(7) TIAA or VAN RED Your TIAA-CREF (TIAA) or Vanguard (VAN) pre-tax contribution to the Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan which is eligible for the University Match (up to 5% of base salary).

(8) TIAA SR% or SR$ Your pre-tax contribution to the Supplemental Retirement Annuity through TIAA-CREF's Additional Basic account. This is either a percentage of your base salary (SR%) or a flat dollar amount (SR$).

(9) VAN SR% or SR$ Your pre-tax contribution to the Supplemental Retirement Annuity through Vanguard. This is either a percentage of your base salary (SR%) or a flat dollar amount (SR$).

(10) SRA R% or SRA R$ Your pre-tax contribution to the Supplemental Retirement Annuity through TIAA-CREF's Supplemental account. This is either a percentage of your base salary (SRA R%) or a flat dollar amount (SRA R$).

(11) RED TOTAL Total of your pre-tax contributions to Vanguard and TIAA/CREF in both the Tax Deferred Retirement Plan (Matching Component) and the Supplemental Retirement Annuity. (Note that if the total of these contributions by the end of December 2000 is $10,500, you may have reached your maximum contribution limit for the year. You may call the Retirement Call Center at 1-877-736-6738 to verify your limit).

C. After-Tax Deductions

(12) GROUP LF Your after-tax contribution to your Group Life Insurance coverage.

(13) TIAA or VAN DED Your TIAA-CREF (TIAA) or Vanguard (VAN) after-tax contribution to the Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan.

(14) TIAA or VAN SD% or SD$ Your TIAA-CREF (TIAA) or Vanguard (VAN) after-tax contribution to the Supplemental Retirement Annuity.

(15) DEP LIFE DED Your after-tax contribution to your Dependent Life Insurance coverage.

(16) LONG TERM CARE Your after-tax contribution to your Long-Term Care coverage.

(17) DED TOTAL Total of your after-tax contributions for Group Life, the Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan, the Supplemental Retirement Annuity, Dependent Life Insurance, and Long-Term Care coverage.

Almanac, Vol. 47, No. 5, September 26, 2000

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