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Women of Color Day: Nomnations for March 6 Awards

To the University Community

The National Institute for Women of Color (NIWC) has designated the first day of Women's History Month as National Women of Color Day. For the eleventh consecutive year, Penn, UPHS, Presbyterian and now Pennsylvania Hospital seek to increase our awareness of the talents and achievements of women of color. We hope you will join us for this uplifting and inspirational celebration.

The Luncheon Planning Committee is finalizing plans for the Eleventh Annual Awards Luncheon which will be held at the Penn Tower Hotel, Friday, March 6, noon-2 p.m.

As in past years, we will recognize women in our community whose special commitment and dedicated service to their workplace or the Delaware Valley have made a difference in the lives of women of color. If you would like to nominate someone from Penn, UPHS, Presbyterian and Pennsylvania Hospital for this distinction, please contact from Penn, Ms. Pamela Robinson, 898-9531, from UPHS, Ms. Toni Woodley-Chambers, 662-3688, or Ms. Paulette Cleveland, 662-6600.

Tickets are $20 per person. For more information about scholarship tickets, call Ms. Linda Wigfall at 898-1215 or Ms. Winnie Smart-Mapp, 898-6612. A limited number of scholarship tickets will be available. To order tickets, please call for an order form. The completed form and check should be sent to Women of Color Day Planning Committee, c/o Pat Ravenell, Office of the Vice Provost for University Life, 3611 Locust Walk/6222 no later than February 6, 1998.

--Winnie Smart-Mapp,

Assistant Director, Center for Community Partnerships

Return to:Almanac, University of Pennsylvania, January 27, 1998, Volume 44, Number 19