To GSE: $1M Spencer Gift

Penn's Graduate School of Education is one of nine institutions in the country selected to share in the Spencer Foundation's new program of Research Training Grants totalling over $11 million, which provides fellowships and financial support for graduate students in doctoral programs in an effort to "bring more outstanding researchers into the pipeline" and offset a ten-year decline in federal resources for educational research, according to the Foundation's President Patricia Albjerg Graham.

GSE will receive $1 million of the fund, which is apportioned according to the size of the student population served. The nine receiving grants under the new program are the education schools of:

     University of California/Berkeley		$1,000,000

University of California/Los Angeles 1,905,000

Columbia University 1,000,000

Harvard University 2,000,000

University of Michigan 1,200,000

Michigan State University 1,000,000

University of Pennsylvania 1,000,000

Stanford University 900,000

University of Wisconsin/Madison 1,200,000

A grant of $1,250,000 has been given to the American Educational Research Association to establish a complementary national fellowship competition for graduate students in educational research at other institutions. The Association will give some 24 fellowships beyond the nine recipient institutions, and with its own funds will also provide seminars and other activities to complement the research training that fellows receive at their own institutions.

The Spencer Foundation, established in 1971 from the estate of Lyle M. Spencer--who had founded Science Research Association--supports education-related projects ranging from how children learn to the economics of school finance.

"Improving education depends heavily upon developing new ideas that work," said the Foundation's President Graham. "We need a new generation of researchers who can undertake this formidable challenge."


Volume 43 Number 20
February 4, 1997

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